It’s funding drive time over at our headquarters, CHUO-fm89.1! Help CITY SLANG raise our goal of $300!
Listen to the show LIVE TONIGHT for giveaways, and call in to donate! Donate online by emailing us at donation@chuo.fm.
Donate the following amounts and get OFF THE HOOK incentives.
$25 - Friend of CHUO card! Gets you mega discounts at killer shops like these!
$30 - CHUO bottle opener/key chain (this thing comes in handy) PLUS the Friend of CHUO card, AND THE FIRST ISSUE OF THE MUCH ANTICIPATED CITY SLANG ZINE!
$60 - Entry into two grand prize draws! (one entry into National Arts Centre draw PLUS one entry for Beau’s Natural Brewing Co. draw), a CHUO t-shirt, a CHUO bottle opener/key chain, the Friend of CHUO card, the CITY SLANG ZINE, and The Famines' Raymond Biesinger’s book of Black & White illustrations!
$120 - Entry into FOUR grand prize draws! (1 entry National Arts Centre draw PLUS one entry for Beau’s All Natural Brewing Co. draw PLUS one entry into Black Sheep Inn draw PLUS one entry into Via Rail draw!), a CHUO t-shirt, a CHUO bottle opener/key chain, a Friend of CHUO card, and the CITY SLANG ZINE, and The Famines' Raymond Biesinger's book of Black & White illustrations!!
Grand Prize draws!
National Arts Centre draw ($750 value)
One voucher (admission for two) for each of the following months in 2014: May, June, September, October & November!
Beau’s All Natural Brewing Co. draw ($350 value)
Delivery of one case of four bottles to your home every month! Starts in May 2014, ends until April 2015.
Black Sheep Inn draw ($400 value)
2014 Season Pass that gives you access to every concert for the rest of 2014!
Via Rail draw ($1200 value)
Four return tickets from Ottawa to Quebec City!
You can get more info at CHUO!