Old and Weird have a few drinks during band practice and talk to us about getting in trouble with the police, and leather goods, and give a crush talk! Plus, Ryan of CROSSS crashes the interview!

Emmanuel plays songs that are both old and include the word “weird”!

Plus, hear these tunes:

Old and Weird - Craft Single - Fan Song
Old and Weird - Judy Cool - All of My Friends
Old and Weird - Judy Cool - Judy Cool
Old and Weird - Life’s Tough Not Really - Monster Daze
Crosss - Obsidian Sphere - Smoke
Moon - Moon - Stained Glass
Heaven for Real - Wanton - Want On
Nap Eyes - Four More Songs - A Stolen Boy
Monomyth - Monomyth - Hiroshima
Crime - San Francisco’s Still Doomed - Rockin’ Weird
MDC - Millions of Dead Cops - My Family Is A Little Weird
Iggy Pop - Lust For Life - Some Weird Sin
Weirdos - 7" - We Got The Neutron Bomb
Weed - Deserve - Gun Shy
FUZZ - FUZZ - What’s In My Head

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Originally aired: Sept 30, 2013.


The charming gang from Ottawa’s ROBERTA BONDAR joins us in studio to share stories of CRIME! Hilarity ensues! Plus, we’re in funding drive, so don’t forget to contact us at cityslangradio@gmail.com for info on donating to CHUO community radio! 

Tyler and Alex of ROBERTA BONDAR join us in studio! We talk about getting jumped by SWAT teams, getting cattle prodded, and the origins of Roberta Bondar’s new video/song Night Danger

We play songs from Roberta Bondar’s new tape, and Lidija calls in to share a story about returning to the scene of the crime! 

Plus songs from The Yips, Teenanger, Colleen Green, False Face, Mount Eerie, and Rhythm of Cruelty.

Originally aired: March 18 2013.


Roberta Bondar’s Tyler, as he appeared in CBC coverage of his cattle prodding.