Old and Weird have a few drinks during band practice and talk to us about getting in trouble with the police, and leather goods, and give a crush talk! Plus, Ryan of CROSSS crashes the interview!

Emmanuel plays songs that are both old and include the word “weird”!

Plus, hear these tunes:

Old and Weird - Craft Single - Fan Song
Old and Weird - Judy Cool - All of My Friends
Old and Weird - Judy Cool - Judy Cool
Old and Weird - Life’s Tough Not Really - Monster Daze
Crosss - Obsidian Sphere - Smoke
Moon - Moon - Stained Glass
Heaven for Real - Wanton - Want On
Nap Eyes - Four More Songs - A Stolen Boy
Monomyth - Monomyth - Hiroshima
Crime - San Francisco’s Still Doomed - Rockin’ Weird
MDC - Millions of Dead Cops - My Family Is A Little Weird
Iggy Pop - Lust For Life - Some Weird Sin
Weirdos - 7" - We Got The Neutron Bomb
Weed - Deserve - Gun Shy
FUZZ - FUZZ - What’s In My Head

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Originally aired: Sept 30, 2013.


Paul of Halifax garage weirdos COLD WARPS talks about getting stupid tattoos and drinking Yoo-hoo!

In the second half of the show, Travis subjects Paul to a BRUTAL X-FILES quiz! 

Plus, we play tracks from CROSSS, Krang, Wolf Cow, Surf City, Astral Gunk, Feral Trash, and Thalidomy Kids!

Don’t be a dork, subscribe on iTunes!

Originally aired: May 27 2013.