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(Listeners: We interviewed this band when they were called SHE’S. They changed their name to NO ALOHA. Don’t freak out when we call them SHE’S the whole episode!)

Montreal’s SHE’S NO ALOHA are a new band with way too many good songs. We interviewed them about surviving cross-country bus trips, Dad rock, nearly dying, and esoteric Victoria knowledge!

Plus our weekly tape feature, Emmanuel goes global, and more tunes including:

No Aloha - Split - Kim Kimono
No Aloha - EP - Don’t Wanna Go To Work
No Aloha -  Split - Drop Dead
No Aloha - EP - My Baby K
No Aloha - Split - Girls Who Don’t Do Drugs

Generacion Suicida - Con La Muerte A Tu Lado - El Centro
Belgrado - Siglo XXI - Jeszcze Raz
Mannschreck - 80-8 7” - Where Have All The Good Times Gone

Psychic Fair - Bees On Ice - Won’t it Be Weird When We Can’t
Viet Cong - Cassette - Oxygen Feed

Cousins - The Halls of Wickwire - Phone
Corridor - Un Magicien En Toi - Quel Quoi

Sean Nicholas Savage - Bermuda Waterfall - Heartless



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Mike of HOSEHEAD records and FIRST BASE stops by to tell us how he muscles bands into releasing records! We play some of the finest tunes from HOSEHEAD and find out the biggest HOSEHEAD fuck up! 

Plus our tape segment, and these killer tunes: 

First Base - Party Party Party - Party Party Party 
The White Wires - II - I Can Tell 
Sam Coffey and the Iron Lungs - All By Myself - All By Myself 
Average Times - Average Times - Do The Dance 
TV Freaks - Leeches 7” - Leeches 

Pink Wine - Tape - Persistent Cops 
Ketamines - So Hot! 7” - So Hot! 
Steve Adamyk Band - Monterrey 7” - Monterrey 

VCR - VCR - Dirty Girl/City Boy 
The Lorettas - Fuck The Lorettas - Teenage Hell 

The Dying Arts - The Dying Arts EP - Scratch 
HSY - single - Cyber Bully 
Owls - Two - I’m Surprised 

Needles//Pins - Shamebirds - You Only Call Me When You’re Drunk 
The Lad Mags - Trick - Trick - 1:59 CC 
La Femme - Le Podium #1 - Sur La Planche



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Travis pulls some key tracks from the 12 disc compilation A Reference Of Female-Fronted Punk Rock: 1977-89! Emmanuel dives into the CHUO record vault! AND MORE!

Hear these tunes:

Sheena & The Rokkets - Synkuu Pack - Omae Ga Hoshii (One More Time)
Mother’s Ruin - Godzilla 12" - Godzilla (A Japanese Love Song)
Kleenex - Single - Ü
Fatal Microbes - Single - Violence Grows
Agonia - [Unknown] -[Unknown title]
Poles - single - CN Tower

Dos - Dos - Number Two
Hüsker Dü - Zen Arcade - Something I Learned Today
Flesh Eaters - A Minute to Pray a Second To Die - See You In The Boneyard
Material Issue - Blockbuster EP - Cowboy Song

Rhythm of Cruelty - Dysphoria - Way of Grief
Zakary Slax - Teenage Mutant - Get Yr Shit Together
Baked Goods - The Bastard - Holy Ghost
Rainboard - The Midnight Slide - Mating Calls

Nap Eyes - Whine of the Mystic - Tribal Thoughts
Fountain - Fountain - Divide
She’s - She’s - Baby K



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Three fifths of THE YIPS join us in studio and play some choice tunes and share some STONE-COLD LAFFS! We talk to them about the their spooky pal Rave Ghost, Skrillex’s influence, and their past as CHILD GOLF PRODIGIES!

Plus hear these tunes: 

The Yips - Air Loom - Sadie 
The Yips - Air Loom - Repeater 
The Yips - Air Loom - Submariner 
The Yips - Air Loom - Wytch Elm 

Boyfriends - Unreleased - Track 
Organ Eyes - Visual Meetings - Ghost Lap 
Los Saicos - ¡Demolición! - The Complete Recordings - Demolición 
Pink Wine - Pink Wine - Better Half 
Tropical Dripps - Cool Dude - Cowboys 
Ensemble Sincron - Planetary Pebbles, Vol. 1: Surfbeat Behind The Iron Curtain - In Gara La Leordeni 

Sector 8 - 7" - Holloween Hollywood



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LIVE EPISODE THIS WEEK! Emmanuel and Travis teamed up with BRUISED TONGUE to party with a WHO’S WHO of Ottawa luminaries at Raw Sugar! We played tunes for three hours, and this week’s episode is one hour of PEAK LIVE RADIO!


Hear these tunes:

Feel Alright - Oahu Ohio
Hackamore Brick - Oh! Those Sweet Bananas

Roky Erikson and The Aliens - Bloody Hammer
The Deadly Snakes - Real Rock and Roll Tonight

Cold Warps - Stuck On an Island
Vacation - Running Back

Needles//Pins - Outta This Place
Steve Adamyk Band - Hate Myself
Masshysteri - Istiden
Spectres - Pattern Recognition

Delta 5 - Mind Your Own Business
White Wires - Don’t Call Me When You’re Ill
Royal Headache - Honey Joy

WANNA PARTY WITH CITY SLANG?! Come out to our LIVE EPISODE recording tonight at Raw Sugar! More info here.

And bring some donation money for CHUO, why don'cha! See the crazy stuff you can get by donating to community radio right here.




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Donation season! That means we talk big talk, give out loads of prizes, play crazy tunes, and give you a bonus St. Paddy’s day set! GET ON IT! It’s not to late to donate to CHUO and support indie radio! More details here

We play these tunes:
Teledrome - Teledrome - Boyfriend
Heaven For Real - Craft Single - Hero’s Code
Each Other - Being Elastic - Swell Patterns
Viet Cong - Unreleased - Bunker Buster

Perfect Pussy - Say Yes To Love - Driver
Eagulls - Posessed

Rudi - Crimson EP - 14 Steps…
Protex - I can’t Cope 7" - I can’t Cope
Stiff Little Fingers - Nobody’s Hero - Nobody’s Hero

TV Freaks - Two - Rewind
Average Times - EP - Summer Nights

Black Walls - Communion - Communion



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THE BEVERLEYS get blue on us and talk about porn bloopers! Plus talk of big macs, ghosts, and HSY crashes the show for MORE PORN TALK! Don’t tell your parents about this one.

Plus it’s funding drive season! Keep good shit like our show on the air! Click here for more info and to donate! Lotsa cool incentives!

Hear these tunes:

The Beverleys - The Beverleys - Bad Company
The Beverleys - The Beverleys - This is Not A Union
HSY - HSY 7" - Tartar Mouth
The Beverleys - The Beverleys - Dreams

Toronto Homicide Squad - Nein Bullets - Cold Eggs
The New Values - The New Values - Straight Line

Big Mouth - Sound - Sisyphus
RVIVR - The Beauty Between - The Seam
Rose Melberg - Distant Ships - Distant Ships

Metz - Metz - Wasted
Big Dick - Big Dick - Witchcraft
The Ketamines - Stay Awake 7" - Always Small



It’s funding drive time over at our headquarters, CHUO-fm89.1! Help CITY SLANG raise our goal of $300! 

Listen to the show LIVE TONIGHT for giveaways, and call in to donate! Donate online by emailing us at

Donate the following amounts and get OFF THE HOOK incentives.

$25 - Friend of CHUO card! Gets you mega discounts at killer shops like these!

$30 - CHUO bottle opener/key chain (this thing comes in handy) PLUS the Friend of CHUO card, AND THE FIRST ISSUE OF THE MUCH ANTICIPATED CITY SLANG ZINE!

$60 - Entry into two grand prize draws! (one entry into National Arts Centre draw PLUS one entry for Beau’s Natural Brewing Co. draw), a CHUO t-shirt, a CHUO bottle opener/key chain, the Friend of CHUO card, the CITY SLANG ZINE, and The Famines' Raymond Biesinger’s book of Black & White illustrations!

$120 - Entry into FOUR grand prize draws! (1 entry National Arts Centre draw PLUS one entry for Beau’s All Natural Brewing Co. draw PLUS one entry into Black Sheep Inn draw PLUS one entry into Via Rail draw!), a CHUO t-shirt, a CHUO bottle opener/key chain, a Friend of CHUO card, and the CITY SLANG ZINE, and The Famines' Raymond Biesinger's book of Black & White illustrations!!

Grand Prize draws!

National Arts Centre draw ($750 value)

One voucher (admission for two) for each of the following months in 2014: May, June, September, October & November!

Beau’s All Natural Brewing Co. draw ($350 value)

Delivery of one case of four bottles to your home every month! Starts in May 2014, ends until April 2015.

Black Sheep Inn draw ($400 value)

2014 Season Pass that gives you access to every concert for the rest of 2014!

Via Rail draw ($1200 value) 

Four return tickets from Ottawa to Quebec City!

You can get more info at CHUO!



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One-man psych band PAUL JACOBS talks about cartoons, getting into trouble, and how his house burning down drove him to skateboarding. 

Plus hear our tapes of the week, a set of Windsor punk tunes, and brand new tracks. 

Paul Jacobs - Paul Jacobs - Bad Art, Bad Teacher 
Paul Jacobs - Coffin Ride - Sara’s Party 
Paul Jacobs - Drug Theaters - Trippin’ in the Park 
Paul Jacobs - Drug Theaters - Sharp Dress 
Paul Jacobs - Drug Theaters - Under Water 

The Spys - Single - Underground 
Luxury Christ - Problematic For the People - Difference 
Worry - II - Precision Auto (Superchunk) 

Devonian Gardens - Solar Shifting - Goldbond 
Cult Babies - Cult Babies EP - Good Death 

Bel Argosy - Let’s Hear it For Bel Argosy - Yer Door 
La Misma - S/T 7" - Guerras Silenciosas 
Damaged Bug - Hubba Bubba - Photograph 

Black Lips - Underneath The Rainbow - Smilin 
Nap Eyes - Whine of The Mystic - No Man Needs to Care 

Mode Moderne - Occult Delight - She Untamed



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Emmanuel and Travis play a buncha crazy new tunes! We introduce a new segment with a brand new theme song all about TAPES, TAPES TAPES!

Hear these songs:

Pypy - Pagan Day - Pagan Day
Strange Attractor - Back To The Cruel World - Real Dark Place
First Base - First Base - That’s My Girlfriend
Average Times - Average Times - Summer Nights
Amanita Bloom - Furniture Music - Often In The Spring Time

MASS - No One - Little Town
Young Widows - Easy Pain - Kerosene Girl
Endless Rope - Negi Surf Demo - Four-Colour Wonders
Reversing Falls - Reversing Falls - I Think We’ve Got a Problem

Ratstab - Noise War Demo - Mangel
Femmaggots - Femmaggots - Parking Lot
The Pink Noise - Inyrdisk Split - Crass
JLK & Babysitter - JLK & Babysitter II - Super Highway
Priests - Tape Two - Leave Me Alone

Lumpy & The Dumpers - Demo 1 - Face the Meat
Nos Bos - Nos Bos - Sloshing Footsteps

Tough Age - Tough Age Dream Date



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Dean of the killer ODONIS ODONIS discusses bad VHS movies, Canada’s archangel Thor, children’s television, and–most importantly–breakfast. Plus, non-stop bangers from Canada and beyond!

Hear these tunes:

Odonis Odonis -  Single - New Obsession
Odonis Odonis - Better EP - Flight Risk
Odonis Odonis - Hollondaze - Hollondaze
Odonis Odonis - Single - Are We Friends
Odonis Odonis - Hollondaze - We Are The Left Overs

Surveillance - Go Fuck Yourself - That’s Not Who I Am
Fountain - Fountain - New Age Prices
Androgynous Mind - Nightstalker - Knock On My Door

Absolutely Free - On The Beach - On The Beach
Stiu Nu Stiu - Ultra Silvam - Ultra Silvam
Clean Girls - Last House EP - First Day Ou

Spite House - Spite House - Tug of War
Mac DeMarco - Salad Days - Passing Out Pieces



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AW, DANG! Those jerks from Bruised Tongue burst into the studio and took over the show this week. They play their favourite tunes from 2013, a new track from Boyhood, and plug their dumb five-year anniversary party this weekend!

Hear these tunes:

Boyhood - Post Poc

Destruction Unit - Deep Trip - God Trip

Gary Wrong Group - Total Punk - Streets of Iron

Venom P. Stinger - Walking About

Babysitter - EYE - Angel of Death

Milk Music - Cruise Your Illusion - No, Nothing, My Shelter
Mike Krol - Trust Fund - Cease and Desist

Devo - Hardcore Volume I - I’ve Been Refused 

Raspberry Bulbs - Deformed Worship - When A Lie Becomes a Truth

Dirty Beaches - Drifters / Love Is The Devil - Casino Lisboa
Dirty Beaches - Drifters / Love Is The Devil - ELLI

Foilakzoid - II - Trees

Warm Soda - Someone For You - Only In Your Mind
The Urinals - 100 Years of Pulchritude - Male Masturbation


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Joe of KAPPA CHOW talks about the Sackville, NB music scene, Twin Peaks, and the punkest thing he’s done! Plus, Travis quizes him on the mythical creature the KAPPA, and we learn about farts, cucumbers, and the toughest member of KAPPA CHOW!

We hear a set of Sackville tunes, including unreleased tracks!

Heard these tunes:

Kappa Chow -  KC I/II - Bang Bang
Kappa Chow - Punk As Fuck 7" - Love On Me
Kappa Chow - KC I/II - Sleep The Day Away
Kappa Chow - Punk As Fuck 7" - Punk As Fuck
Kappa Chow - KC I/II - Invisible Shadow
Kappa Chow - KC I/II - Save Your Opinion

Astral Gunk - unreleased - Anti-Love
Zachary Slax - unreleased - Rat City
Best Fiends - unreleased - Puppy Love 
The Mouthbreathers - V/A Rat King 1 - Same Words
Yellowteeth - V/A Rat King 1 - Boy + Girl

Faux Fur - Faux Fur - Burnt
Un Blonde - Un Blonde - Spine
Long Weekends - Tell It To My Heart - The Best You Ever Had

Childbirth - It’s a Girl! - Sister Wives
Monster Treasure - Monster Treasure - I don’t Giv'a Shit



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TJ, Burger, and Dave of the Hamilton’s great TV FREAKS tell us how to spend one night in Hamilton, talk cover art, and buying candy! Hear TV FREAKS’ set of hand-selected classics from Hamilton, including SIMPLY SAUCER!

Plus we play these tunes:

TV Freaks - Destroy Music Start Your Own Band - Medidation

TV Freaks - TV Freaks - Coworker Blues
TV Freaks - TV Freaks - Street Rat
TV Freaks - Two - Knife
TV Freaks - Two - Pusher

TV Freaks - 7" EP - Freelancer
TV Freaks - TV Freaks - Only Child

Epicycle - You’re Not Gonna Get It: 1978-81 - Residential Area
Dennis Most - Agitate Me! - There is a Mall
The Gories - The Shaw Tapes - Charm Bag

The Ruby Plumes - Prairie Sessions - Rock City

Adam and the Madams - Death By a Million Splinters - Death By a Million Splinters

Born Wrong - Holding Cell - Loujack Cafe
Black Baron - Divine Chains - The Twisting Fate of Future Years
Sailboats Are White - Turbo 2 - Monster Helicopter
Snakecharmer - Crispy Meat Demo - Self Immolate
Magic Shadows - Sunburned Mind 7" - Sunburned Mind

Simply Saucer - Cyborgs Revisited - Bullet Proof Nothing



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Emmanuel remembers the great JAY REATARD on the anniversary of his death. We play tracks from every point in his career, including rare 7"s and side projects. RIP, JAY. 

Travis plays tracks from Vermont feminist label STICK SHIFT, and new releases from BRUISED TONGUE!

A killer first show back, filled with these tracks:

The Reatards - Get Real Stupid 7" - You Ain’t Fun No Mo
Angry Angles - CROWDS 7" - Crowds
Lost Sounds - Rat Brains & Microchips - Blackcoats/Whitefear

Final Solutions - Eye Don’t Like You 7" - Eye Don’t Like You
Bad Times - Self-Titled - Streets Of Iron
Terror Visions - World of Shit - Medicating Dreams

Jay Reatard - Hammer I Miss You 7" -  Hammer I Miss You
Jay Reatard - Blood Visions - My Shadow
Jay Reatard - 7" I Know Place

Jay Reatard - See Saw/Screaming Hand 7" - Screaming Hand
Jay Reatard - Watch Me Fall - Faking It

Potty Mouth - First Gear: Feminism in the Northeast - Damage
Breadline - First Gear: Feminism in the Northeast - Peroxotine Death
Paths - Clarion Call - Waves

Holy Cobras - Dead Bodies Float in Space - Drugstore
Heavy Chains - 7" - Liver Lips
Old and Weird - Moon/Old and Weird - Lamp

Kappa Chow - Kappa Chow - Bang Bang
Monomyth - Craft Single - Trash Day



BEST OF 2013! Emmanuel and Travis re-cap the best CITY SLANG iterviews and tunes from 2013.

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Happy New Year, ya jerks!

Episodes feature these tunes:

Episode 47

Dinos Boys - Play Dead 7" - Play Dead
Boyhood - Afterburners Vol. 2 - Acting Mean Uh
Boyhood - When I’m Hungry - Thailand
Cold Warps - Tour Demos - Black Oil
Cold Warps - Cold Warps - I Got Opinions, Dude
Cousins - Duz/Cuz - Nans
Human Eye - It Came From The Sky - Alien Creeps
Needles//Pins - 12:34 - I don’t Mind
Needles//Pins - Out of This Place 7" - Out of This Place
Monomyth - King, Does This Not Please You (Behold The Power) - Cigarette
Peach Kelli Pop - V/A Bloodstains Across Ontario - Panchito Blues
Mike Krol - I Hate Jazz - Like A Star
Mike Krol - Ephemeroptera No. 2 - My Country Tis Of Thee
Teenanger - Fright - Bank Account
Average Times - Average Times - She Knows

Episode 46

Teledrome - Double Vision 7” - Dial Tone
Low Culture - Screens - Screens
Boyhood - EP - Heat
The Famines - The Complete Collected Singles - Hi Hi Hi
Steve Adamyk Band - Third - Had A Heart Attack
Big Dick - S/T - Schoolyard Violence
Babysitter - Eye - Talkin’ Bout The New Generation
Roberta Bondar - Hiss - Salt
The Nymphets - 7" - Bekki-Anne
Nun Un - Lineage - Recognition Blues
METZ - 7" - Negative Space



NICK FLANAGAN of COMEDY, BRUTAL KNIGHTS, and WRONG HOLE talks to us about hair care, his gross injuries, and gets hip with Ottawa and its strip clubs!

Plus, Travis works out some elevator-related issues after getting stuck in an elevator for an hour with an ALL-ELEVATOR-SET!

Plus hear these tunes:

Brutal Knights - Blown 2 Completion - Take Breaks
Brutal Knights - Feast of Shame - Grow Up Throw Up
Brutal Knights - Feast of Shame - We Have A Website
Brutal Knights - Life Ain’t Cool 7" - Fake Youth
Brutal Knights - Life Ain’t Cool 7" - Life Ain’t Cool
Teen Crud Combo - Judgement Night Soundtrack Part II - Wash Dish
Wrong Hole - Unreleased - What Is A Car?

Plastic Idols - I.U.D. 7" - Sophistication
The Lepers - S/T - Christmas In Reverse

Resurrection Band - Mommy Don’t Love Daddy Any More - Elevator Muzik
13th Floor Elevators - The Psychedelic Sounds of the 13th Floor Elevators - Thru The Rhythm
Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain - Elevate Me Later
Pixies - Come On Pilgrim - Levitate Me

The White Wires - WWII - And Then You Told Me
Kappa Chow - 7" - I Want Out
Abject Pax - 7" - Selfish Hands

Average Times - Average Times - She Knows
HSY - HSY - Tartar Mouth
Tough Age - Open It Up

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Travis fucked up the interview recording with Will Anderson of WEED, who put out one of his favourite records of the year! He desperately tries to recreate it with Will’s friends Anna and Vance on the line! Hear them talk about dirty dish duty, Seinfeld, and a near-murder experience on a train! 

Plus French tunes, and new tunes from DAGGER EYES

Weed - Deserve - Silent Partner 
Weed - Deserve - Hollowed Out 
Weed - Deserve - Granted 
Weed - Gun Control EP - Amber 

Alex Bourque - Dog years EP - Cut The Strings 
The Soupcans - Parasite Brain - Parasite Brain 
White Poppy - White Poppy - Wear Me Away 

Les Guenilles - Zéro pis une barre - La scène locale 
Cheval Fou - Pété Rare - Code S 
Panache - Vie de Velours - Fils d’un fils 

First Base - First Base - That’s My Girlfriend 
Los - 7” - Ghost 
The Dagger Eyes - Reaper - Cutting Edge 
The Dagger Eyes - Reaper - New Wave 
The Dagger Eyes - Reaper - The Rat

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