BEST OF 2014!


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Old-man Emmanuel and old-man Travis send a broadcast from the future!

Our old-man future selves recount their favourite memories of 2014 in a two-episode blowout! They play the best interviews, the most depraved quotes, and their favourite tunes of the year!

We play these songs:

Chad VanGaalen - Shrink Dust - Where Are You
Nap Eyes - Whine of The Mystic - Dark Creedence
Strange Attractor - Back To The Cruel World - This is Total Shit
Boyhood - Bits n’ Bobs - Post-Poc
Destruction Unit - Deep Trip - God Trip
The Yips - Air Loom - Wytch Elm
Playboy Manbaby - Bummeritaville - Modest Meowz
Kappa Chow - Punk As Fuck 7" - Punk As Fuck
Vacation - Candy Waves - Pyro Hippies
Tweens - Tweens Be Mean
Old and Weird - What I Saw - Gig Bag

Odonis Odonis - Hard Boiled Soft Boiled - Are We Friends
TV Freaks - Leeches 7” - Leeches
Dad Jokes - J-C-V-D - J-C-V-D
HSY - Split Tape - Scratch
Sheer Agony - Unruly Sisters - Goodbye Cream
The Beverleys - EP - Bad Company
Brazilian Money - Brazilian money - Why Am I Still Standing Here? CC
Merchandise - Children of Desire - Time
Bonnie Doon - Bonnie Doon EP - Pizza Shark
She’s - EP - Don’t Wanna Go to Work
Absolutely Free - Absolutely Free - Vision’s
Old and Weird - What I Saw - Gig Bag

Originally aired Dec. 22 and Dec. 29, 2014.



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Mike of HOSEHEAD records and FIRST BASE stops by to tell us how he muscles bands into releasing records! We play some of the finest tunes from HOSEHEAD and find out the biggest HOSEHEAD fuck up! 

Plus our tape segment, and these killer tunes: 

First Base - Party Party Party - Party Party Party 
The White Wires - II - I Can Tell 
Sam Coffey and the Iron Lungs - All By Myself - All By Myself 
Average Times - Average Times - Do The Dance 
TV Freaks - Leeches 7” - Leeches 

Pink Wine - Tape - Persistent Cops 
Ketamines - So Hot! 7” - So Hot! 
Steve Adamyk Band - Monterrey 7” - Monterrey 

VCR - VCR - Dirty Girl/City Boy 
The Lorettas - Fuck The Lorettas - Teenage Hell 

The Dying Arts - The Dying Arts EP - Scratch 
HSY - single - Cyber Bully 
Owls - Two - I’m Surprised 

Needles//Pins - Shamebirds - You Only Call Me When You’re Drunk 
The Lad Mags - Trick - Trick - 1:59 CC 
La Femme - Le Podium #1 - Sur La Planche


No new show this week! CITY SLANG is on vacation!

In the mean time, check out the Ottawa Explosion festival, where friends of CITY SLANG will be partying all week long.

Plus follow Emmanuel and Travis on Twitter:



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And check out PART OF THE NOISE, a new punk-rock podcast from our Hosehead records brothers!