Festival special!


Photograph by Daryl Reid

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Festival special this week! We spotlight artists playing Ottawa Explosion, Lawnya Vawnya, and Kazoofest!

Plus, a highlights from our OTTAWA EXPLOSION interviews, and a special set of music from Natalie of NOTS!

Hear these tunes:

Aquarian Blood - 7” - Savage Mind
Giorgio Murderer - Primitive World - Primitive World
Golden Pelicans - S/T - Turqoise & Silver / New Jersey
Glueams - 7” - Strassen

White Lung - Deep Fantasy - Sycophant
Kappa Chow - Kappa Chow - Bang Bang
Needles//Pins - Out of This Place 7" - Out of This Place
Monomyth - Craft Single - Trash Day
Sheer Mag - 7" - Point Breeze
Earth Girls - Demo - Obey

The Famines - 2x7” - Gimme Some Numbers
Tyvek - On Triple Beams - Wayne County Roads
Fist City - It’s 1983, Grow Up! - Boring Kids
Tough Age - S/T - I Waste Too Much Time On Myself
Moss Lime - July First - July First

Teenanger - Frights - Bank Account
Weaves - Single - Motorcycle
Walrus - Glam Returns - Banger
Vulva Culture - Rolling in the Deep - Human Garbage

Originally aired March 23, 2015



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It’s the conclusion of our OTTAWA EXPLOSION BLOWOUT! We subject more people to the hard-hitting CITY SLANG QUESTIONNAIRE!

Bridget Battle of TWEENS talks pizza, her crush on Kirk Hammett, and straight up spills her beer!

Jerry Queen of TWEENS, PRETTY PRETTY, and VACATION goes to Circle Jerks shows with his Dad, talks about playing with the Breeders, and pukes up his hair!

KING’S QUEST talk Thrillhouse, Bill Cosby’s home computer system, and what happens to cheez-wiz after ten years!

Plus hear these tunes:

Tweens - S/T LP - Be Mean
Kings Quest - S/T - Alexander
Vacation - Candy Waves - Pyro Hippies

HSY - Cyber Bully  - Cyber Bully
The Beverleys - The Beverleys - Dreams
Mexican Slang - Inside The Velvet Castle - Pink Fog
Greys - If Anything - Use Your Delusion

Pink Mountaintops - Get Back - The Second Summer of Love
Tijuana Panthers - Wayne Interest - Torpedo
Watery Love - Decorative Feeding - Skulls in Zen
Ultrathin - Minimum Payout EP - Walk Into the Void

Teledrome - S/T LP - New Motion



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It’s the first in our OTTAWA EXPLOSION BLOWOUT! We’ve scientifically engineered the best set of questions in the universe, and asked some of our favourite bands to answer the CITY SLANG QUESTIONNAIRE!

Burger and Dave of TV FREAKS talk fights, why you shouldn’t fuck with them, working at mcdonald’s, and tripping on syzurp!

Ian and Matt of DAD JOKES find pyrex in dildo boxes and huck bottles at Canadian alt rockers Serial Joe!

Gina Vinelli of BONNIE DOON talks fighting at Ottawa Explosion, and Bonnie Doon’s Oprah connection!!

Tunes this week:

TV Freaks - Leeches 7” - Leeches
Bonnie Doon - V/A Afterburners Vol. 4 - Pizza Shark
Dad Jokes - J.C.V.D. - J.C.V.D.

Protomartyr - Under Cover of Official Right - Maidenhead 
Blue Angel - Demo - Don’t Want Need To
Sonic Avenues - Mistakes - In Your Head
Zex - Savage City 7” - Savage City

Nubians - V/A Afterburners Vol. 4 - 7 & 7 is
Organ Eyes - V/A Afterburners Vol. 4 - Sunny Day Jaguar
Meck - V/A Afterburners Vol. 4 - Kelly Rippa
Astral Gunk - V/A Afterburners Vol. 4 - Antilove
The Machine of IX - V/A Afterburners Vol. 4



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OTTAWA EXPLOSION SPECIAL! We’ve got a spotlight on bands playing the OTTAWA EXPLOSION FESTIVAL, the annual festival full of beer, bands, and BEST BUDS put on by our very own Emmanuel Sayer!

For more info on Ottawa Explosion and buying tickets go to the OTTAWA EXPLOSION SITE! And get on it, because the party starts TOMORROW!

The tunes this week:

Feral Trash - Unreleased - Obey
Big Dick - S/T LP - Schoolyard Violence
Low Culture - 7" - Travel Song
Needles//Pins - Shamebirds - Shamebirds
New Swears - Junkfood Forever, Bedtime Never - Midnight Lovers

The Mandates - S/T LP - She’s Walking Over
Average Times - S/T LP - Summer Nights
First Base - S/T LP - She’s Boy Crazy
Pink Wine - S/T - Better Half
Mother’s Children - Lemon - Break It To Me

The Marked Men - Fix My Brain - A Little Time
Steve Adamyk Band - S/T LP - Hollowed
Sonic Avenues - Mistakes - Wasted Summer
The White Wires - 7" - Don’t Call Me When You’re Ill

Protomartyr - Under Color of Official Right - Scum. Rise!
Tweens - Tweens Be Mean
Primitive Hearts - Split with Pookie & the Poodlez - Last Chance
The Creeps - Eulogies - Ghost

The Yips - Air Loom - Repeater
Roberta Bondar - Hiss - Salt


We interview Adam and Tony of Vancouver’s NEEDLES//PINS! Things got a bit sloppy at Ottawa Explosion during this interview, and the guys discuss high school girlfriends, hobo tattoos, and hating Henry Rollins! 

Emmanuel and Travis play some excellent Vancouver punk, and a set of weirdo tunes to top things off! 

Plus songs from Needles//Pins, Strange Attractor, Pointed Sticks, Young Canadians, The Modernettes, Crabe, Whatever Brains, Dead Ghosts, Cherry Bones, Mikal Cronin, The Thermals, and Ovlov!

Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast, nerds!

Originally aired: July 8 2013.


No new show this week! CITY SLANG is on vacation!

In the mean time, check out the Ottawa Explosion festival, where friends of CITY SLANG will be partying all week long.

Plus follow Emmanuel and Travis on Twitter:



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And check out PART OF THE NOISE, a new punk-rock podcast from our Hosehead records brothers!